Crafting Your Present and Future with ThetaHealing®
ThetaHealing® facilitates profound shifts in our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors by addressing the core beliefs formed from our experiences and even inherited genetically. Recognizing and releasing these beliefs opens us to new ways of being, influencing positive external changes. This practice, devised by Vianna Stibal in the 1990s, helps us dissolve limitations, align with our intuition, and harness our strengths with greater ease. It empowers us to understand our behaviors and reactions as learned responses, providing us with the freedom to rewrite our life’s script.
Understanding Our Actions: The Role of Learned Behaviors
Our behaviors and reactions often stem from past lessons that once served to protect us. These ingrained responses can lead us to repeat patterns, sometimes making us feel stuck. Recognizing that these habits were once solutions allows us to reevaluate and choose new, liberating responses for our present and future.

Evolve with Ease
Find tranquility and growth within the theta brainwave—a serene, meditative state that engages our subconscious. This is where 95% of our cognitive activities and decisions are made. By delving into this deep level of consciousness, we unlock insights into our thoughts, memories, and behaviors, forging a renewed self-awareness and reshaping our actions with intention.
Shifting Dynamics with New Behaviors
Adopting new behaviors can reshape our environment and our lives. This change is most effective when we comprehend our actions without self-criticism, recognizing their value. ThetaHealing® allows us to tap into our subconscious motivations and the extensive archives of our emotional memories. In the theta brainwave state, our mind enters a relaxed mode, enabling us to alter patterns previously concealed, thus unleashing our true potential.
All my seminars can also be booked exclusively – for individuals or as customized group events.
Are you interested in learning ThetaHealing yourself, developing yourself further in ThetaHealing or would you like to repeat a seminar in order to reach deeper levels? Then please get in touch with me by e-mail.
All my seminars can also be booked exclusively – individually for individuals or as a customised group event.
I offer the following ThetaHealing training seminars:
→ You and Your Algorithm – Master your inner code!
Recognizing your own patterns and feelings, understanding your own perception, mediation, …
→ Basic DNA – Decode the building blocks of your being!
Develop intuitive perception, learn to scan and read energy fields, shift perception, …
→ Advanced DNA – Unleash the potential of your genes!
Letting go of resentment, rejection and regret, communicating with the higher self and ancestors, understanding the 7 levels, …
→ Dig Deeper – Dive into the depths of your truth!
8 ways to the core beliefs, easy and safe release of core beliefs, emotional work, self-knowledge, …
→ You and the Creator – Connect with the source of your power!
Principles of communication with creation, understanding creation clearly, recognizing mindsets, recognizing parts of the self, …
→ Soul Mate – Love and let yourself be loved!
Dissolving hidden beliefs about relationships, partnerships and love, opening up to your soul mate, …
→ You and your Partner – Experience revitalizing and harmonious connections!
Release old patterns, fear and pain, understand invisible dynamics, create relationships in clarity, …
→ Manifesting and Abundance – Invite wealth and abundance into your life!
Manifestation techniques, releasing blockages and vows of poverty, testing 100 beliefs that block abundance, …
→ You and Your Inner Circle – Master yourself and who surrounds you!
Learn discernment, be more successful with positive people around you, understand your own qualities, …
→ World Relations – Building bridges between the worlds!
Overcoming cultural and social barriers, solving misunderstandings of genetics, freeing yourself from the past, creating progress, …
→ DNA 3 – You create your life, the impossible is possible!
Aligning and activating the three eternal molecules, moving organic and non-organic matter, changing the taste of water, understanding the power of blessings and divine timing, …
→ Plant Seminar – Welcome to the fascinating world of plants & elementals!
Communication with the plant world, trees the wisest beings, vibrational frequencies and communication channels between plants, healing energy of plants, …
→ Animal Seminar – Welcome to the magical animal kingdom!
Encounters with animals in a new way, their and our levels of existence, deep understanding of animal healing, …
→ Diseases and Disorder – Understanding disease dynamics, recognizing healing blockages!
Release aversions and fears of illness and disease and refine your intuition and reading skills, …
→ Intuitive Anatomy – The transformative journey of discovery to the wonders of our body!
Seeing body and soul in connection, releasing beliefs about our body systems, understanding anatomical and emotional connections, …
Connect with the intuitive, playful part of yourself, understand that we are all intuitively gifted and loving beings, heal your inner child, integrate your qualities, and much more. This course is available for children, teenagers and adults, …
Refine ThetaHealing® skills, clarify questions, gain practical experience in a supportive environment, …
→ Intuitive Child In Me Part 2 – Develop your inner wisdom
Learn to perceive your inner wisdom more clearly and to move forward with it …
→ You and Earth – Healing of and through nature and the earth.
Learn to perceive the connection to the earth and to experience yourself as part of everything that is. Awaken your awareness of the healing energy of the earth and integrate it into your everyday life …
→ Planes of Existance 1 – unite the levels of your being.
Understand that all levels of existence are interconnected and interdependent. Use the healing power of each level to release blockages and develop your full potential …
You can also find the current seminars and dates here: