ThetaHealing Hamburg Animal Seminar

Welcome to the fascinating world of the ThetaHealing® Plant Seminar!

This seminar is dedicated to the secret intuitive world of plants, trees and elementals and is an in-depth discovery of how to communicate with the plant kingdom of the Second Plane of Existence.

The Second Plane of Existence teaches us to be in harmony with the plants, trees and elementals. Within this harmony, we learn the first lesson of how plants use light-energy to heal. Learn how to heal a plant and how to permit the plant kingdom to heal you.

In this seminar Vianna also has shared her knowledge of how to garden really well and what the essences of plants bring into our bodies.

Learn how to communicate with plants, why trees are the wisest beings on our planet, and receive a healing from a plant. Learn how beneficial the plant kingdom is to the world and to you! Understand what the plant kingdom teaches us about light energy and how to utilize that light energy for feeding our bodies. Each plant has different vibration frequencies and discover what makes a mother tree, a father tree, portal trees, and the many different kinds of plants and how they communicate with each other

PREREQUISITES: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper Practitioners

This Course Includes:
• ThetaHealing Plant Seminar Manual
• Plant Seminar Practitioner Certification at Completion of Seminar

ThetaHealing® Animal Seminar. Welcome to the magical world of animals. Encounters with animals in a new way.

This unique seminar is designed for those who love animals and have a deep connection and affinity with all living things. In this two-day seminar, you will gain a deeper understanding and more confidence in healing with animals.

With the Animal Seminar, you will receive in-depth information about the third plane of existence where we reside as humans and animals. Many who attend this seminar learn a great deal of information about how to communicate with animals.

They will experience various exercises where we can learn how to work with animals, whether they are domesticated or wild, how we can learn from the animal kingdom and see the world around us in a new light. With an understanding of the animal kingdom, we have the opportunity to gain insight into our own human nature and way of being. With this seminar you will be able to expand your knowledge and be prepared for the information in the Levels of Being seminar.

What you also learn in the ThetaHealing animal seminar:

1. Animal communication: deepen your connection to animals and learn to understand their language.

2. Understanding the animal world: Discover the fascinating energy of the animal world on a new level.

3. Practical exercises: Learn how you can work with animals in a simple and effective way.

4. New perspectives: Gain insights into nature and look at the world around you with new eyes.

5. Self-reflection: Discover how your relationship with animals shapes your own humanity.

6. Deepen your knowledge of the connection between humans and animals.

PREREQUISITES: Basic DNA, Advanced DNA and Dig Deeper Practitioners

This course includes:
ThetaHealing Animal Practitioners ManualCertification
Explore the majestic interaction within the animal kingdom, the third plane of existence…