• Communication Coaching

Every word has an effect, regardless of whether you say it to yourself or to others.

Results come after the word is spoken. Authentic communication improves your inner life and your outer world equally: Taking responsibility for yourself and your communicative actions is easier when you feel safe. And if you decide that you want to improve something for yourself. Communication is always at your disposal.

We have all experienced that someone has made us small and hurt us with their words, but also – that we have risen above ourselves and been highly motivated by someone else’s words. Bring positive communication into the world, it becomes more beautiful!

There is a reason you communicate this way.

People I work with recognise whether your way of communicating opens up opportunities or limits them. Everyone learns to communicate in their family of origin and believes that the way they communicated there represents the totality of communicative possibilities.

What we have experienced, however, is only a partial sample and shows the possibilities that were available to our family and then to our friends at that time. People I work with first recognise their patterns with me – and then their many possibilities.

Possibilities instead of shortages.

As long as we blame others for something, we deprive ourselves of the possibility to take responsibility and change the situation. This also prevents us from taking action and moving into action. Authentic communication improves your inner life and your outer world alike.

Customers with fur, feathers or leaves.

I also work with animals and plants. If this seems strange to you now, it is completely normal. It is the surest way to think about something new. This work is mainly about making contact and being open to the way the other person communicates. Thinking back, many of us found talking to plants and animals quite normal in our childhood. We were even closer to it then, because we felt even more a part of everything that is.

I offer counselling online and in person. In Hamburg, Berlin or even at your desired location. By arrangement, I can come almost anywhere. I also offer individual seminars and counselling packages, depending on your needs.

Every word has an effect, regardless of whether you say it to yourself or to others.

Results come after the word is spoken. Authentic communication improves your inner life and your outer world equally: Taking responsibility for yourself and your communicative actions is easier when you feel safe. And if you decide that you want to improve something for yourself. Communication is always at your disposal.

We have all experienced that someone has made us small and hurt us with their words, but also – that we have risen above ourselves and been highly motivated by someone else’s words. Bring positive communication into the world, it becomes more beautiful!

There is a reason you communicate this way.

People I work with recognise whether your way of communicating opens up opportunities or limits them. Everyone learns to communicate in their family of origin and believes that the way they communicated there represents the totality of communicative possibilities.

What we have experienced, however, is only a partial sample and shows the possibilities that were available to our family and then to our friends at that time. People I work with first recognise their patterns with me – and then their many possibilities.

Possibilities instead of shortages.

As long as we blame others for something, we deprive ourselves of the possibility to take responsibility and change the situation. This also prevents us from taking action and moving into action. Authentic communication improves your inner life and your outer world alike.

Customers with fur, feathers or leaves.

I also work with animals and plants. If this seems strange to you now, it is completely normal. It is the surest way to think about something new. This work is mainly about making contact and being open to the way the other person communicates. Thinking back, many of us found talking to plants and animals quite normal in our childhood. We were even closer to it then, because we felt even more a part of everything that is.

I offer counselling online and in person. In Hamburg, Berlin or even at your desired location. By arrangement, I can come almost anywhere. I also offer individual seminars and counselling packages, depending on your needs.

Healing empowers, Communication creates!

CommunicationCoaching Session

Reading with personal affirmation

Holistic Branding

Healing empowers, Communication creates!

CommunicationCoaching Session

Reading with personal affirmation

Holistic Branding

„What happens today is yesterday tomorrow.“

Johanna Clausen-Meixner